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"What is in My Child's School Library?" Press Conference

October 04, 2023

A group of state policymakers come together to help protect children from sexually explicit material and highlight some of the books known to be in school libraries.

Inflation and Tax Relief for Pennsylvanians

March 01, 2023

In an effort to ease the tax burden for hardworking Pennsylvania families, Rep. Ryan Mackenzie unveiled a series of tax cut proposals at a Capitol press conference in Harrisburg. He was joined by some of the prime co-sponsors of the “Pennsylvania Families Tax Relief” measures.

House Passes Bill to Update Water Quality Data

September 12, 2022

The PA House of Representatives passed legislation authored by Rep. Barb Gleim that would require the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to conduct water quality testing within communities under the MS4 program. Currently, fees are being assessed and requirements are being mandated on individuals, businesses and municipalities based on the water quality data from 20 years ago, which does not accurately reflect the cleanliness of waterways today.

Reps. Gleim, Keefer, Borowicz & White message on H.B. 972, Women in Sports Protection Act

June 29, 2022

State Rep. Gleim, Keefer, Borowicz, and White urge the governor to sign the Fairness in Women's Sports Act

Indoctrination Has No Place in Our Children’s Classrooms

June 22, 2022

Rep. Barb Gleim discusses her legislation with the goal of teaching students to be independent thinkers and discerning consumers of information and different viewpoints. At the same time, the bill can be administered in a way that preserves due respect for educators and efficiently dismisses unsubstantiated complaints. She's interviewed on the measure by Rep. Andrew Lewis.

Marking the 50th Anniversary of Title IX

June 22, 2022

Rep. Barb Gleim comments as the landmark anti-discrimination law, Title IX, marks its 50th anniversary.

Fairness in Women's Sports Press Conference

June 07, 2022

Representatives Barb Gleim, Valerie Gaydos, Dawn Keefer and Stephanie Borowicz hold a press conference advocating for House Bill 972 which would protect opportunities for women and girls in athletics by ensuring women are not forced to compete against biological males playing on women’s sports teams.

Fairness in Women’s Sports Act Passes in House

April 12, 2022

PA State Rep. Barb Gleim introduces House debate on House Bill 972, the Fairness in Women's Sports Act. The measure passed in the House.

Urging Passage of the Fairness in Women's Sports Act

March 29, 2022

In a move to support women’s rights in competitive sports, Rep. Barb Gleim urges passage of the Fairness in Women's Sports Act before the House Education Committee.

Rare Diseases Day press event

February 28, 2022

Rep. Barb Gleim speaks at a press conference in honor of Rare Diseases Day in Pennsylvania.

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