Food Processing Residuals (FPR)
FPRs are waste left over from food manufacturing, which can include vegetable peelings, raw meat scraps and liquid, like cleaning wastewater that includes blood, fat, hair and feathers.
In Pennsylvania, FPR can legally be applied to farmland as an inexpensive way to increase the amount of organic matter in soil.
However, residents are concerned about this particular product being used due to possible environmental contamination, noxious odors, and improper handling and application.
Rep. Barb Gleim has been at the forefront of this issue and was appointed a member of a newly formed statewide workgroup to come up with a plan to address the challenges FPR presents in Pennsylvania.
The group is working to make sure these waste byproducts coming into Pennsylvania from outside the state are regulated and safe for the environment and our farmlands, are transported and stored appropriately, and are not a nuisance to residents surrounding our agricultural lands.
See below for news articles, updates and more information about food processing residuals in the Commonwealth.
01.24.25 Where it Stands: FPR legislation process resets after bills snag in the state Senate
05.02.24 A Growing Concern
05.02.24 Food Processing Residuals (FPR)
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