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Straight to the Point… Title IX and Women’s Sports

June 11, 2024 Download

State Rep. Joe D’Orsie gets Straight to the Point with State Rep. Barb Gleim about efforts to protect women’s athletics.

Straight to the Point… Rep. Gleim

October 11, 2023 Download

State Rep. Joe D’Orsie gets Straight to the Point with Rep. Barb Gleim (R-Cumberland). Discussion includes explicit material in schools, and how this interacts with parental rights; Title IX and women’s sports issues.

Ep. 36 - Protect Women’s Sports - Conversations with Clint

April 8, 2021 Download

On this edition of Conversations with Clint, Rep. Owlett talks with Rep. Barb Gleim of Cumberland County about her legislation to ensure fairness in women’s sports. House Bill 972 recognizes the biological differences between men and women and ensures that only biological females can participate in women’s sports. The episode also includes testimony from a female track athlete from Connecticut who had to compete against biological males.

Teachers Are Essential – Get Our Kids Back to School

August 6, 2020 Download

On this PA House Podcast we chat with State Rep. Barb Gleim (R-Cumberland), on House Education Committee Hearings this week on the challenges of getting our kids back in the classroom.

Gleim Says Governor Proposes Spending without Funding Source

February 4, 2020 Download

Governor Wolf delivered his annual budget address before a joint session of the PA House and Senate in Harrisburg on Tuesday. The Governor proposes a $36 Billion in spending, representing a $2 Billion increase over the spending plan approved just last summer.

Rep. Gleim Comments on House Action to Approve the 2019-20 State Budget

June 26, 2019 Download

House lawmakers have voted to support a 2019-20 General Fund budget that continues a multi-year effort to hold the line on taxes, fees and spending. Total state spending would be set at $33.997 billion, a 1.8% increase over the current fiscal year, which is in line with the rate of inflation. The plan provides for a record level of spending on education and includes a deposit of more than $250 million into the Rainy-Day Fund, the state’s primary “savings account.” Rep. Barbara Gleim (R-Cumberland) offered the following comments on the spending priorities of the budget plan.

Rep. Gleim Comments on Governor's Budget Proposals

February 5, 2019 Download

Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled his 2019-2020 state budget proposal on Tuesday in Harrisburg. The $34 billion spending plan represents a nearly 1 billion dollar increase in state spending over last year. Rep. Barbara Gleim (R-Cumberland) said she was pleased that the Governor's budget plan contains no new tax increases, but wonders where the money will come from for new spending.

Rep. Gleim Sworn-in for the 2019-20 Session of the PA House on New Year’s Day in Harrisburg

January 2, 2019 Download

Members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives were sworn in on New Year’s Day in Harrisburg with the members taking the oath of office in the House chamber at noon to officially begin the 2019-20 legislative session. Republicans hold a 110 member working majority in the House with 19 newly elected Republican members.This is the fifth consecutive term that Republicans have retained majority control of the PA House. Rep. Barb Gleim (R-Cumberland) offered the following comments on the swearing-in ceremony and issues expected to be addressed in the new legislative session.

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